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Commitments to the Roofing Alliance may be pledged over five- to 10-year periods in accordance with the company’s and/or individual’s wishes, and the level of commitment based on annual sales volume is as follows:

  • Governor: $60,000
  • Regent: $125,000
  • Guarantor: $250,000
  • Founder: $500,000
  • Visionary Founder: $1,000,000


Eligible to join at any level.

National Suppliers

Eligible to join at the Regent level or higher.

Local Distributors or Suppliers

  • Less than $15 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $60,000
  • $15 - $35 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $75,000
  • More than $35 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $125,000

Service Providers

  • Less than $10 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $60,000
  • $10 - $30 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $75,000
  • More than $30 million in annual sales contributing a minimum of $125,000


Eligible to join at any level.

Supporting Donor Categories

(Note: While benefits for these categories differ from those of the full membership levels, we believe that supporting important Roofing Alliance projects provides a valuable opportunity for any industry professional interested in giving back.)

  • Platinum $25,000
  • Gold $15,000
  • Silver $10,000