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The Roofing Alliance accepts requests for funding from industry partners, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, research and consulting firms, and related industry organizations to develop in-depth research, programs, and products on a wide range of industry topics to advance knowledge within the roofing community.
The Roofing Alliance's role is to provide funding and oversight to ensure approved projects are carried out in a manner consistent with the organization’s vision and mission. Funding proposals for 2025 should support one or both of the two RFPs provided below which support the Roofing Alliance’s core values: education and training; technology; sustainability; and/or philanthropy. Proposals should refrain from using any proprietary products, services or materials or advocating an industry position or segment and instead contribute to the betterment of the U.S. roofing industry.
Requests for funding are a three-step process:
Letters of inquiry should provide a brief explanation about the submitter and project to be supported. If the project aligns with and falls within the Roofing Alliance’s current vision, mission and program of work, a written proposal may be invited. Letters of inquiry should be sent to Alison L. LaValley, CAE, Roofing Alliance executive director, at
Written proposals are more extensive and should include:
Written proposals should be submitted to Alison L. LaValley, CAE, Roofing Alliance executive director, at
All funding requests will initially be screened by Roofing Alliance staff, but all funding authority rests with the Roofing Alliance board of trustees.