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This task force works closely with the Arizona Roofing Industry Foundation and the ASU faculty and administration to develop a Ph.D. candidate (Roofing Industry Fellowship) who will engage in research projects and papers aligned in roofing, sustainability, and the building envelope; teach undergraduate student construction classes with a focus on roofing; and increase the pipeline of higher education roofing specialists and the placement of RIF faculty across the nation. The task force is responsible for reporting to and making recommendations to the Roofing Alliance Board of Trustees.
This task force works closely with Clemson University faculty to identify audiences and leverage connections to promote the new Roofing Alliance-Clemson Roofing Certificate Program to maximize use, outcomes, and revenue.
This task force works closely with Clemson University faculty to monitor course and manual progress and offers professional expertise throughout process, as well as through classroom participation as needed. The task force is responsible for reporting to and making recommendations to the Roofing Alliance Board of Trustees.
This committee consists of multiple objectives in the effort to promote the roofing industry within the various levels of construction management higher education, including, but not limited to, the following:
This committee is responsible for the general Roofing Alliance and the Melvin Kruger Endowment funds to:
This committee’s job is to create a plan that will guide the Roofing Alliance in identifying and recruiting new members, securing funding from an array of sources, including member contributions and scholarship pledges, as well as overseeing the foundation’s planned giving efforts, outreach and program.
This task force works closely with the Florida Gulf Coast University research team on Heat Stress Conditions and Awareness for Roofing Workers. The task force focuses on and works with faculty in monitoring the project progress and offering their professional expertise. The task force is responsible for reporting to and making recommendations to the Roofing Alliance Board of Trustees.
This committee meets annually to review MVP program criteria and update it as needed and to select MVP winners, finalists, and a Best of the Best Award recipient.
This task force works closely with Clemson University faculty to identify and document the current state of various sustainability and resiliency efforts, including:
This committee is responsible for annually reviewing the scholarship criteria and updating if needed. The committee also is responsible for reviewing the scholarship applications received from Scholarship America and recommending the students to receive scholarship awards to the Roofing Alliance Board of Trustees, subject to the number of scholarships allowed by the budget.
The Bennett Award is presented annually to an individual who volunteers and/or performs/offers remarkable or notable positive direction to the Foundation, but not necessarily in a leadership role in the Roofing Alliance. Future honorees will receive a commemorative item and a small token of appreciation. Ultimately, the Bennett Award will recognize individuals who make things happen for the betterment of the Roofing Alliance and industry.
For more information, or if you are interested in joining any of our committees and task forces, please email Roofing Alliance Executive Director Alison LaValley