Giving Society

The Legacy Circle is the Roofing Alliance's honorary society to recognize individuals and families who have remembered the Roofing Alliance in their wills or other estate plans. Generosity and foresight of these donors will ensure the future success of the roofing industry by funding research and programs that will advance and shape our industry for years to come.

You can become a member of the Legacy Circle with a gift of $50,000 or more through any of the following commitments:

  • Wills and Bequests
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Life Insurance Trust
  • Life Estate Trust

Benefits of membership in the Legacy Circle include:

  • Acknowledgement in Roofing Alliance newsletters, on the Roofing Alliance website, via social media outlets and in press
  • Recognition at Roofing Alliance events and meetings
  • Invitation to a special donor dinner each April
  • Biannual Legacy Donor Newsletter
  • Legacy Circle Donor pin and plaque
  • Invitation to special leadership opportunities
  • An opportunity to be a part of our "Legacy Legends," stories about how and why dedicated donors have decided to join the Legacy Circle

If you have already included the Roofing Alliance in a bequest or other planned gift, we hope you will let us know. Your willingness to be listed as a member of the Roofing Alliance Legacy Circle encourages others to follow your example. We acknowledge and respect those who wish to remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential basis, as it allows the Roofing Alliance to plan for the future.

To learn more and discuss how you can support the roofing industry through planned giving, please contact Bennett Judson, Roofing Alliance executive director at (847) 493-7513 or