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Most Valuable Player Awards

2024-2025 MVP Awards

The Roofing Alliance’s Most Valuable Player Awards program celebrates workers who are outstanding employees within their companies that others aspire to and recognizes them for their performance outside the workplace, such as their charitable deeds, community involvement, challenges they’ve overcome, and their unwavering dedication and commitment to helping others.

As an employer, you can nominate your employee for an award in one or both of the following categories:

Outstanding Performance and Leadership

Dedicated, reliable employees are vital to a company’s success. And, among those employees, usually one stands out above all others. That’s the employee who:

  • Has a strong work ethic
  • Shows leadership, initiative and resourcefulness
  • Has earned an outstanding safety record
  • Shows support for his or her co-workers
  • Goes above and beyond specific job responsibilities

Outstanding Community Involvement

Outstanding workers not only have a passion for the work they do and a sense of loyalty toward their employers, but they also show compassion for others outside of the workplace. They volunteer their time with their communities, churches, families and friends. They are determined to overcome challenges and obstacles they may face personally or stand by others who need their support. They’re always willing to extend a helping hand. They display:

  • Dedication to bettering their community
  • Exemplary service
  • Leadership
  • Commitment
  • Selfless devotion

Professional Roofing’s Best of the Best
One MVP winner will be chosen to be Professional Roofing magazine’s Best of the Best. Professional Roofing and OMG Roofing Products Inc., Agawam, Mass., co-sponsor this elite recognition. The person selected as the Best of the Best winner typically stands out in both categories. In addition to a special prize, the winner will be highlighted in a feature article in Professional Roofing magazine in the spring of 2025.

Professional Roofing



The MVP Award program is intended to recognize field and warehouse workers only who typically may not be publicly acknowledged for their efforts or eligible to participate in recognition or incentive programs within their companies.

Following are the levels and job titles for eligible workers employed by a Roofing Alliance member or NRCA member:

Roofing contracting firms—any field roofing worker, foreman or superintendent is eligible. The number of nominations per firm must not exceed three per company branch.

Distributor and manufacturer firms—any warehouse employee, warehouse foreman, driver or equipment operator is eligible. The number of nominations must not exceed five per national firm.

Self-nominations are not permitted; rather, each participating firm or his or her designee is responsible for preparing and submitting applications.


Judges are recognized professionals within the roofing industry and include a representative mix of contractors, manufacturers, distributors and suppliers. The only information the judges have to base their decisions on is the information submitted with each entry.

Judges’ decisions are final, and evaluations of specific entries will remain confidential.


MVP finalists and their nominators will be notified in early November, so they can make arrangements to attend NRCA’s 138th Annual Convention, February 19-21, 2025, in San Antonio.

MVP finalists will receive:

  • Two complimentary coach airfares and three nights’ hotel accommodations during NRCA’s 138th Annual Convention in San Antonio
  • Two complimentary SuperPass registrations to the 2025 International Roofing Expo® for the winner and his or her guest
  • Two complimentary tickets to the NRCA Industry Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Reception, February 20, 2025, where winners and their companies will be formally honored
  • A $100 American Express gift card
  • Recognition in Professional Roofing magazine, the Roofing Alliance Newsletter and on the Roofing Alliance’ website
  • Recognition in press releases sent to local and national media and industry trade press

All other convention-related expenses will be the responsibility of each award winner.

Nominees not selected as award winners will receive certificates of merit.

Please contact Nicole Christodoulou, manager of the Roofing Alliance, at